October 16, 2019

8 Wellness Activities for Your Corporate Health Program

Dr Bryan Brulotte CD
Dr. Bryan Brulotte KJ CD
CEO & Chairman, MaxSys

In the modern workplace, corporate wellness programs are becoming more important for retaining top talent and improving employee performance. From offering healthy snacks and fitness classes to adding scooters and mini trampolines to your office, there are plenty of choices for what wellness activities to include.

Helping your employees stay happy and healthy will lead to a more engaged and productive workforce, as well as reduced absenteeism and better overall performance. It’ll help your bottom line as well.

Whatever you choose, you’ll be sure to reap the benefits of implementing your workplace wellness program. Here are eight fun wellness activities at work to add into your corporate health program.

1. Walking meetings

Even if you have a standing desk, it pays to get moving during the work day. Incorporating walking meetings into your workplace wellness program is a novel way to make sure that everyone gets up and moving throughout the day. A little fresh air might even help stimulate your creativity.

2. Meditation breaks

Stress management should be an important part of any workplace wellness program. Taking a ten-minute break for meditation or implementing “no-talk times” during the day can help employees de-stress and refocus their energies for improved productivity.

3. Mid-day fitness

Encourage employees to get some physical activity in during the workday by offering on-site fitness classes during breaks or lunch hours. For example, Vancouver-based tech company Mobify offers yoga classes for its employees twice a week, for a double-whammy of fitness and stress relief.

4. Cooking classes

Healthy eating is just as important as fitness for maintaining employee wellness. Nutritious snacks are almost a given for any wellness program, but hiring a chef to offer a healthy cooking class can be a fun way to mix things up and get everyone engaged.

5. Flu shots

Everyone’s favourite activity. Prevention is the name of the game when it comes to health and well-being activities at work, and providing vaccinations during flu season is a great way to emphasize that. If you can, bring a nurse on-site to administer the shots, and don’t forget to provide reminders for employees to opt-in.

6. Fitness challenges

A bit of healthy competition never hurt anyone. Workplace fitness challenges can be as simple as tracking the number of steps taken with pedometers, or as ambitious as clocking how many miles everyone runs in a week. Don’t forget to provide a healthy prize for the winner.

7. Wellness challenges

In addition to fitness challenges, health challenges and wellness challenges are fun ways to help improve employee well-being and performance include the eight-glasses-of-water-a-day challenge and the 7-hours-of-sleep-per-night challenge (whoever does the task for the most days during a 30-day period wins a prize).

A smoking cessation challenge could be another option for employees who smoke. Alternatively, “wellness” could relate to financial wellness, too. Challenging employees to cook more meals at home rather than eating out not only improves dietary health, but it helps save money as well — the opportunities are endless!

8. Employee surveys

No matter what you include in your employee wellness program, feedback should be a key element. It’s important to know what’s working and what needs to be changed, and opening channels for employees to have a say can be key to program engagement.

Monthly surveys, suggestion boxes, or idea boards can be helpful. Town-hall style meetings are also an effective way to get employee feedback, depending on your company culture.

On top of all these healthy offerings, making sure you have a competitive and generous benefits plan can go a long way towards ensuring your workforce is healthy.

Benefits like Flexible Spending Accounts or subsidized gym passes can help employees get access to the resources they need to stay fit. Further, regular massages, dietary consultations, and wellness counselling can help ensure that your team—and your business—are healthy for the long term
