février 5, 2024


Dr Bryan Brulotte CD
Dr. Bryan Brulotte KJ CD
PDG et Président, MaxSys

Hearty congratulations to Bryan Brulotte on his well-deserved retirement from the Canadian Army. His 46 years of devoted service not only attest to his exceptional commitment but also to the passion that has guided every step of his journey.

Over the years, he has embodied the values of honor, courage, and determination, inspiring colleagues and all those privileged to know him. His remarkable contribution within the Royal Canadian Hussars, the Royal Military College, the Royal 22e Regiment, and the Governor General’s Foot Guards has left an indelible mark on these institutions.

As the Honorary Colonel of the GGFG over the last decade, he has continued to demonstrate exemplary leadership, marked by camaraderie and dedication to his peers. His unwavering support and valuable advice have been a source of inspiration for all those fortunate enough to work alongside him. Congratulations again, Mr. Brulotte, on an exemplary military career, and may this new chapter of your life be as rewarding as those that have come before.